
My photo
dallas, tx
i am a "slow fashion" designer dedicated to low-impact and sustainable fashion. i use only vintage, organic, upcycled, reconstructed, recycled, & salvaged fabrics. everything is handmade with love by me in dallas, tx.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

the recipe post...

so here at yomono, we (and that's the royal "we" since it's just me) occasionally fall out of healthy eating habits, due mostly to crazy sewing deadlines for fashion shows, bazaars, and markets. or, as i like to call it, #lifeinthefashlane. so in an attempt to publicly shame myself (ourselves?) into staying on track, we thought we should share an easy breakfast recipe that we're trying to institute: vegan chia seed pudding. this is stupid easy to make, and even harder to screw up. chia seeds are super healthy, and give you your morning protein and omegas. you have to soak them in something so they absorb the liquid and push out all their inner goodness to form a gelatinous layer on the outside which gives it the pudding-like texture. you have to do this to get to the nutrients to the outside where your body can absorb them. so here's the basic ingredients:

1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or soy, coconut, rice, hemp, flax...whatever gets you going)
3 tbsp chia seeds (sold in bulk at wholefoods)
2 squeezes of agave nectar (or your sweetener of choice, to taste)

and now the fun part....flavoring it however you want! hint: if you replace the agave above with maple syrup, it will be more of a oatmeal-y flavor. there are a million recipes online. personally, i use the agave and then add:

1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp cocoa powder
1/2 cup fresh berries (or granola, pumpkin seeds, whatever)

and assemble!:

pour the milk, vanilla, cocoa, and agave in a bowl. whisk together until completely incorporated. add the chia seeds, and whisk until they are well distributed in the mix, and all seeds are wet. leave on the counter for 10 minutes, then whisk again to break up any big chunks. put in the fridge to chill overnight, or at least an hour or two. top with fruit right before you eat. makes 2 pretty good sized servings.

we made 2 versions of this recipe last night and had the cocoa version for breakfast. good job, "us!"

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